Thursday, January 14, 2016

2016 Aspirations

Hey guys I'm Brody I'm new to gt. I hope you All had a good Christmas and New year, Happy 2016! I have 5 goals I want to achieve this 2016. Number 1: I want to pay attention More in classes so I understand what I'm learning. Number 2: Ive been getting good grades in my classes and I want them to stay that way So my goal is to keep good grades this 2016! Number 3: I want to Save up enough money to buy myself a computer so I can edit my photo a day Images and make sure there what Mr.Sanderl wants. Number 4: Stay in the barrel for more then 5 seconds and come out. Number 5: Listen more at home and keep my room clean and the house clean so I don't get in trouble.

My most important goal of 2016 is to get my computer. The computer costs $500 And I have $340 so i feel like I'm close. The reason why I want it is so I can edit my photo a day posts and I can play games with my friends from the mainland. Also I will be able to Skype my friends! The computer I'm getting is a 8GB RAM 1terabyte space and it has a back lit keyboard. So I will have enough space for A lot of downloads.

To pay attention more in my classes and understand what I'm learning I will need to stop talking to my friends and not play around with stuff that will distract me. To keep my grades the same I will need to keep doing what I'm doing probably do a little more than expected. If I want to save up all my money for the laptop I will have to keep doing chores and don't spend it on anything useless. If I want to stay in the barrel for more than 5 seconds I will have to train a lot and keep trying, but usually when I get barreled its off shore winds, so I have to go out when its perfect. If I want to listen more at home I will have to stop doing what I'm doing when my parents ask me to do something and get up and do it right away. Once again I hope you all had a good new year.

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